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  • Writer's pictureChishimba Bwalya

NOCZ tips athletes on Tokyo Olympics demeanor

June 30, 2021: Team Zambia athletes follow proceedings during the meeting with NOCZ. PICTURE: NOCZ Media

National Olympic Committee of Zambia (NOCZ) Vice-President Hazel Kennedy has urged athletes going to the Olympic Games to behave accordingly during the duration of the games which begin on July 23.

Speaking in a form of parental guidance, Ms Kennedy, who is also Zambia’s delegation leader to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, called on the athletes who are all going to the games for the first time in their careers to conduct themselves responsibly especially in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.

June 30, 2021: NOCZ vice-president Hazel Kennedy addresses athletes at National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka. PICTURE: NOCZ Media

“Your behaviour will be of utmost importance and you need to behave appropriately” she emphasised in her address during a meeting with the Olympic-bound team to sensitise them at National Heroes Stadium on Wednesday.

“Anything you touch, sanitise! All these things you will have to do very diligently.”

With Japan following strict protocols to prevent any spread of the pandemic, the organising committee of the games has introduced timely measures such as monitoring of athletes’ movements in a bid to avoid chances of the event becoming a channel of transmitting the disease.

At the same event, athletes were also sensitised on the dangers of manipulation of competition and anti-doping.

Speaking during his session, Safe Sport Ambassador Nchimunya Mweetwa called on them to be wary of the dangers related to such bad vices and further avoid falling victim to dubious individuals who may attempt to take advantage of them.

“Lose with honour or win with honour. Not everyone you may meet is a genuine individual, some offer money for you not to perform to your level best but that will only destroy your career,” he said.

Chief COVID-19 Laison Officer (CLO) Titus Fernando also sensitised the athletes on the process of anti-doping testing.

Meanwhile the athletes also underwent COVID-19 testing at the same venue.

This is the third test that has been conducted in June with NOCZ having made it priority to keep monitoring their health before they depart for Japan.

NOCZ President Alfred Foloko, during his closing remarks, reiterated his executive’s commitment to ensuring that none of the athletes are inconvenienced by the pandemic ahead of the Olympics.

“It has been top of our priority to ensure that our athletes, bound for the Olympics or not, are well taken care of and assisted towards protection from covid-19.

“For this reason, my executive board has made sure that all the athletes get the vaccine and also have regular screening to prevent any chances of getting the virus ahead of their appearance in Tokyo.

June 30, 2021: NOCZ President Alfred Foloko gives his closing remarks at National Heroes Stadium during a meeting with Olympics-bound athletes. PICTURE: NOCZ Media

OlympAfrica Centre Zambia | Stand 27007 | New Kasangula Road | P.O. Box 36119 | Lusaka, Zambia

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