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Writer's picture: Felix MunyikaFelix Munyika

The second day of the ZAMCOACH360 NGO Coach Developers Re-training Seminar drew to a close on Tuesday 21st March 2023 with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment among the participants and the facilitators. The day started with a practical session, which involved a Coach Led dialogue session between Coach Developer and Coach, observed by facilitators.

After a productive morning, the participants proceeded to the Safe Sport session. The Safe Sport session provided an opportunity for the participants to learn about the importance of creating a safe environment for athletes while delivering Coaching Sessions.

The seminar came to a close with a summary and closure, which involved closing remarks from the facilitators. The participants expressed their appreciation to the facilitators for imparting valuable knowledge that will help in disseminating information. They were particularly impressed that the facilitating team included a strong woman, which was enough motivation for them.

The facilitating team, on their part, was impressed with the turnout, with 60% of the participants being female. They called on the Coach Developers to implement their learnings in the field, which will not only benefit their fellow coaches but also athletes.

As a testament to their hard work and dedication, the participants were awarded certificates of attendance under the auspices of the National Olympic Committee of Zambia (NOCZ) and the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports (NIF) following the completion of the seminar.

The full list of participants included Annet Sonko and Major Botha from Response Network, Misozi Daka, and Joshua Kayemba from Zambia Judo (Maheba Refugee Camp), Bertha Bessy Phiri and Febby Phiri from NOWSPAR, Dinah Mattakah, and Charles Mulenga from Edusport Foundation, and Getrude Zimba and Aaron Mushindu from Sport In Action.

The facilitating team comprised ICCE Trained Coach Developers Mwape Konsolo, Ntasuwila Namukonda, and Kenny Matishi, led by Coach Developer trainer Pelle Kvalsund.

Group picture by participants and facilitators

IOC Believe In Sport Ambassador Abishai Nchimunya Mweetwa joined the training on Day 2 to observe and share some words with participants during the training.

The facilitating team was impressed with the enthusiasm and dedication of the participants, and they expressed confidence that the knowledge gained during the seminar would go a long way in enhancing the development of sports in Zambia.


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